
A user is a registered person on the Pipefy App. It can be a representation of yourself, other people or bots created within Pipefy.

User in our API

Through our API you can retrieve user informations , interact with users and execute the actions you're able to do within Pipefy's graphical interface.

User Queries

Running queries in our API allows you to fetch information about users. You can run a me query to find information about yourself and run a Organization query to query for all members of that organization, as you can see here.

See below a example of the me query:

  me {

User Mutations

To run any mutation you need to have the necessary permission to do so. The same permissions that apply on actions done on the graphical interface apply to actions done through the API.

Organization-level Mutations

Using the mutations, you can invite, remove or change the role of a user on the organization. If you need, you can read more about company members and permissions here.

Below are some examples of available mutations in our API:

mutation {
  inviteMembers(input: {
    organization_id: 1234, 
    emails: [{email: "", role_name: "admin"}]}) {
mutation {
  removeUserFromOrg(input: {organization_id: 1234, email: ""}) {
mutation {
  setRole(input: {member: {
    user_id: "123456", role_name: "admin"}, 
    organization_id: 1234}){

Pipe-level Mutations

Using the mutations, you can invite, remove or change the role of a user of a Pipe. If you need, you can read more about Pipe members and permissions here.

Below are some examples of available mutations in our API:

mutation {
  inviteMembers(input: {pipe_id: 98765, emails:  { email: "", role_name: "admin"}}){
mutation {
  removeUserFromRepo(input: {pipe_id: 98765, email: ""}) {
mutation {
  setRole(input: {member: {
    user_id: "123456", role_name: "admin"}, 
    pipe_id: 98765}){

Table-level Mutations

Using the mutations, you can invite, remove or change the role of a user of a Table. If you need, you can read more about Table members and permissions here.

Below are some examples of available mutations in our API:

mutation {
  inviteMembers(input: {table_id: 98765, emails:  { email: "", role_name: "admin"}}){
mutation {
  removeUserFromTable(input: {table_id: 98765, email: ""}) {
mutation {
  setRole(input: {member: {
    user_id: "123456", role_name: "member"}, 
    table_id: 98765}){

If you want to know more about GraphQL, we have a whole section about it, click here to visit our GraphQL section

Testing our API

When querying for Users, there's much more information available than the ones in the examples of the queries shown in the User Queries section.
Also, keep in mind that our API has a lot of queries and mutations available not only about Users.

For a full list of our GraphQL capabilities, you can access our GraphQL playground and play around with it.


API authentication

Our API is protected, so you have to provide your access token to be able to complete the requests to our API.
You can read more about our Authentication and how to get your access token in our Authentication section.

Once you have the token in hands, within our playground you'll have to add a key in the headers named "Authorization", and the value must be the name "Bearer" followed by your token, like in the image below.


Be aware that running a mutation in our playground will change the data inside Pipefy.

Be especially aware that removing a user from an organization or changing their role to "Guest" will make the user also be removed from all pipes, tables and will remove them from all cards that they are assignee of.