
Pipe/Table Webhooks are payloads that are sent to a configured endpoint whenever an action occurs at the pipe or table level. Currently, this includes card and table record management webhooks, such as: card.create, card.field_update, card.move, card.done, card.delete, card.late, card.overdue, card.expired


Queries are used to fetch data using the parameters you've given as arguments. If you want to know more about queries and other GraphQL terms, read here

Below is an example of how you query for a certain pipe or table's webhooks. This takes in the pipe or table ID as it's only argument:

  pipes(ids:[12345, 67890] ){
    webhooks {


If you want to create, make a change to, or eliminate a webhook, you can do so by using a mutation.


The first tab in the code block shows how to create a webhook. The required arguments are:

  • actions: [String]! (see Card/Record Management Webhooks section to see which valid actions are available)
  • name: String!
  • url: String!
  • pipe_id: ID! OR table_id: ID!
  • filters: JSON (see CreateWebhook Input documentation to see all applicable filters per action)


Table Records

Tables contain records on our graphical interface, but for webhooks those records are considered cards. For example, use card.create for getting webhooks alerts for when a table record is created.


The second tab in the code block shows how to update a webhook. In the example, we're updating the action, headers, and email parameters of a webhook. The webhook's ID is the only necessary argument.


The third tab in the code block shows how to delete a webhook. The webhook's ID is the only necessary argument.

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.create"],
    name: "Webhook 1",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: ""
  }) {
    webhook {
mutation {
  updateWebhook(input: {
    actions:["card.late"] # Changing Action
    name: "Late Card Webhook" # Changing Name
mutation {
  deleteWebhook(input: {id: 123})

Card and Record Management Webhooks



The Pipe ID shown in the response payloads are SUIDs (a unique alphanumeric ID).

Card Created

Suppose you want to receive a webhook payload with the event's information whenever a card or table record is created in your pipe or table, respectively. In this case, you can use card.create as an argument in the actions parameter.

See below how to create this webhook:

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.create"],
    name: "Record Creation Webhook",
    table_id: 123456,
    url: "",
    filters: {
      on_phase_id: [ 123 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
Response for create

Below is an example of this webhook's payload format.

  "data": {
    "action": "card.create",
    "on_phase": { "id": 123, name: "Phase 123"  },
    "created_by": {
      "id": 12345,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "username": "john-doe",
      "email": "",
      "avatar_url": "\u0026d="
    "card": { "id": 12345, "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }

Card Field Update

Suppose you want to receive a webhook payload with the event's information whenever a card or table record has one of it's fields updated. In this case, you can use card.field_update as an argument in the actions parameter.

See below how to create this webhook:

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.field_update"],
    name: "Field Update Webhook",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: "",
    filters: {
   	  field_id: [ 123, 345 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
Response for field_update

Below is an example of this webhook's payload format.

  "data": {
    "action": "card.field_update",
    "field": { "id": "text", "label": "text", "internal_id": 123454321 },
    "new_value": "new text value",
    "updated_by" {
      "id": 12345,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "username": "john-doe",
      "email": "",
      "avatar_url": "\u0026d="
    "card": { "id": 123456, "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }

Card Moved

Suppose you want to receive a webhook payload with the event's information whenever a card is moved. You can use card.move as an argument in the actions parameter of the webhook creation mutation.

Below is an example of how to create this webhook:

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.move"],
    name: "Card Movement Webhook",
    table_id: 123456,
    url: "",
    filters: {
      from_phase_id: [ 123 ],
      to_phase_id: [ 345 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
Response for move

Below is an example of this webhook's payload format.

  "data": {
    "action": "card.move",
    "from": { "id": 123, "name": "Inbox" },
    "to": { "id": 345, "name": "Doing" },
    "moved_by": {
      "id": 12345,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "username": "john-doe",
      "email": "",
      "avatar_url": "\u0026d="
    "card": { "id": 123456, "title": "Prospect 1", "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }

Card Done

Suppose you want to receive a webhook payload with the event's information whenever a card is moved to a finished phase (or changed to a 'done' state with regards to table records). You can use card.done as an argument in the actions parameter of the webhook creation mutation.



If a phase has it's settings changed from 'active' to 'done', the card will not trigger a 'card.done' webhook. The card must be moved to a finished phase for the webhook to trigger.

Below is an example of how to create this webhook:

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.done"],
    name: "Finished Card Webhook",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: "",
    filters: {
      on_phase_id: [ 123 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
Response for done

Below is an example of this webhook's payload format.

  "data": {
    "action": "card.done",
    "on_phase": { "id": 123, name: "Phase 123"  },
    "done_by": {
      "id": 12345,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "username": "john-doe",
      "email": "",
      "avatar_url": "\u0026d="    
    "card": { "id": 123456, "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }

Card Deleted

Suppose you want to receive a webhook payload with the event's information whenever a card or table record is deleted. You can use card.delete as an argument in the actions parameter of the webhook creation mutation.

Below is an example of how to create this webhook:

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.delete"],
    name: "Deleted Card Webhook",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: ""
    filters: {
      on_phase_id: [ 123 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
Response for delete
  "data": {
    "action": "card.delete",
    "on_phase": { "id": 123, name: "Phase 123"  },
    "deleted_by": {
      "id": 12345,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "username": "john-doe",
      "email": "",
      "avatar_url": "\u0026d="
    "card": { "id": 1234567, "title": "Prospect 1", "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }

Below is an example of this webhook's payload format.

Card Comment Create

Suppose you want to receive a webhook payload with the event's information whenever a comment is made on a card. You can use card.comment_create as an argument in the actions parameter of the webhook creation mutation.

Below is an example of how to create this webhook:

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.comment_create"],
    name: "New Card Comment Webhook",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: ""
    filters: {
      on_phase_id: [ 123 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
Response for comment_create
  "data": {
    "action": "card.comment_create",
    "on_phase": { "id": 273, "name": "Bad Reviews" },
    "comment": "Hello dear **@[john-doe](12345)** and **@[jane-doe](12346)**, I need your thoughts on this card status",
    "mentioned_users": [
        "id": 12345,
        "name": "John Doe",
        "username": "john-doe",
        "email": "",
        "avatar_url": "\u0026d="
        "id": 12346,
        "name": "jane Doe",
        "username": "jane-doe",
        "email": "",
        "avatar_url": "\u0026d="
    "made_by": {
      "id": 12347,
        "name": "Rob Doe",
        "username": "rob-doe",
        "email": "",
        "avatar_url": "\u0026d="
    "card": { "id": 1234567, "title": "Prospect 1", "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }
  "data": {
    "action": "card.comment_create",
    "on_phase": { "id": 273, "name": "Bad Reviews" },
    "comment": "I approve this request",
    "mentioned_users": [],
    "made_by": {
      "id": 12347,
        "name": "Rob Doe",
        "username": "rob-doe",
        "email": "",
        "avatar_url": "\u0026d="
    "card": { "id": 1234567, "title": "Prospect 1", "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }

Below is an example of this webhook's payload format.

Card Email Received

Suppose you want to receive a webhook payload with the event's information whenever an email is received by a card. You can use card.email_received as an argument in the actions parameter of the webhook creation mutation.

Below is an example of how to create this webhook:

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.email_received"],
    name: "New Card Email Webhook",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: ""
    filters: {
      on_phase_id: [ 123 ]
  }) {
    webhook {

Below is an example of this webhook's payload format.

Response for email_received
  "data": {
    "action": "card.email_received",
    "on_phase": { "id": 123, "name": "Bad Reviews" },
    "email": {
      "id": 1234,
      "from": "",
      "from_name": "John Doe",
      "main_to": "",
      "to": [""],
      "cc": [],
      "bcc": [],
      "subject": "Email subject",
      "body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.\r\n\r\n-- \r\nBest regards,\r\nJohn Doe",
      "clean_text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.\r\n\r\n-- \r\nBest regards,\r\nJohn Doe",
      "pipe_id": 123456,
      "card_id": 1234567,
      "sent_via_automation": false
    "card": { "id": 1234567, "title": "Prospect 1", "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }

Card SLAs

Click here if you want to learn about SLAs.

Suppose you want to receive a webhook payload with the event's information whenever a card or table record triggers an SLA within a pipe. There are three type of SLAs that can be used within a pipe currently:

Card Lateness
  • Use card.late as an argument in the actions parameter of the webhook creation mutation.
Card Overdue
  • Use card.overdue as an argument in the actions parameter of the webhook creation mutation.
Card Expiration
  • Use card.expired as an argument in the actions parameter of the webhook creation mutation.



Lateness and Expiration type webhooks will not trigger for tables, as these SLA configurations are not available at a table level.

Below is an example of how to create these webhooks:

mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.late"],
    name: "Card Lateness Webhook",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: "",
    filters: {
      on_phase_id: [ 123 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.overdue"],
    name: "Card Overdue Webhook",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: ""
    filters: {
      on_phase_id: [ 123 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
mutation {
  createWebhook(input: {
    actions: ["card.expired"],
    name: "Card Expiration Webhook",
    pipe_id: 123456,
    url: ""
    filters: {
      on_phase_id: [ 123 ]
  }) {
    webhook {
Response for SLAs

Below is an example of these webhooks' payload format for each of the SLAs.

  "data": {
    "action": "card.late",
    "on_phase": { "id": 123, name: "Phase 123"  },
    "card": { "id": 123456, "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }
  "data": {
    "action": "card.overdue",
    "on_phase": { "id": 123, name: "Phase 123"  },
    "card": { "id": 123456, "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }
  "data": {
    "action": "card.expired",
    "on_phase": { "id": 123, name: "Phase 123"  },
    "card": { "id": 123456, "pipe_id": "CxeXHeOR" }

Testing Our API

For a full list of our GraphQL capabilities, you can access our GraphQL playground and play around with it.


API Authentication

Our API is protected, so you have to provide your access token to be able to complete the requests to our API.
You can read more about our Authentication and how to get your access token in our Authentication section.

Once you have the token in hands, within our playground you'll have to add a key in the headers named "Authorization", and the value must be the name "Bearer" followed by your token, like in the image below.