Status 200 - OK

GraphQL does not return status codes in the same way that REST APIs do. For example, GraphQL can return a 200 OK in cases where a REST API would return a 5xx or 4xx status code. Due to this fact, GraphQL can return a 200 OK even when an action at the application level fails.

Error Handling

To check for errors, you need to check for the 'errors' object within the response, which contains additional information about what caused the issue. Some mutations also have a "Success" boolean as a return field, that will return true or false, depending on the success or failure of the action. To check the return fields of all mutations and queries, check our API Docs.

In the event of an error, in addition to the error messages returned within the 'errors' object, we provide an 'extensions' object. This object will display details about the error that occurred, identified by the 'code' key (refer to the Error Table below), along with a 'correlation_id' hash to facilitate issue analysis with our support team.

{ "data": { "deleteCard": null }, "errors": [ { "message": "Card not found with id: 00000000", "locations": [ { "line": 32, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "deleteCard" ], "extensions": { "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "correlation_id": "fcc162735121ac9f71ceba9fb58a639e" } } ] }
{ "data": { "updateFieldsValues": { "success": false } } }

Error codes

See below those errors and an explanation of them

INVALID_INPUTIndicates that the provided input data is not valid or improperly formatted.
RECORD_INVALIDPoints to an error related to the validation or integrity of record data
ANOTHER_IMPORTATION_ALREADY_RUNNINGIndicates that another importation or similar process is already running and cannot be started simultaneously.
ENABLED_APPOccurs when there is an issue with the activation or use of a specific application
FEATURE_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_ORGANIZATION_PLANDenotes that the requested feature is not available in the current organization plan.
FIELD_EDITABLE_ONLY_ON_ITS_ORIGINAL_PHASESignals that a field can only be edited in its original phase and not in other phases.
ORGANIZATION_IN_BLOCKLISTIndicates that the organization is in the blocklist, preventing certain actions.
PERMISSION_DENIEDRepresents the denial of necessary permissions to perform a specific operation.
RECORD_NOT_DESTROYEDRefers to a failure in destroying or deleting a record.
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a specific resource could not be found or does not exist.
UNIQUE_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTSIndicates that a unique resource already exists and cannot be duplicated.
USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDIndicates that a usage limit has been exceeded, such as the maximum number of requests per period.
USER_TO_ASSIGN_ROLEPoints to an error when trying to assign a role or function to a specific user.
PROVIDER_NOT_IDENTIFIEDThis exception is thrown whenever it's not possible to find the provider through the user's email domain.

4XX and 5XX Status Codes

As mentioned above, in most cases GraphQL will return a 200 OK response when a REST API would return a 4xx or 5xx status code. But in some specific cases, a 4xx or 5xx status code can be returned. See below those cases and an explanation of them.

Status CodeExplaining
401Unauthorized. A valid token was not passed within the request header.
404Not found. The resource is not available.
422Unprocessable Entity. Pipefy is not able to process the request.
429Too many requests. This error occurs when you reach the rate limit for API Calls. Check the 'Request Limits' section of this article to understand limits.
5xxInternal error within Pipefy