Pipefy Platform Overview

Find documentation on how you can extend Pipefy's capabilities

Welcome to the Pipefy Developers Platform! Here you can find documentation on how to develop your own Pipefy App and on how to use GraphQL API query language to extend Pipefy capabilities.

Pipefy is a process platform designed to standardize and advance business workflow processes. Users can create custom workflows, generate reports to find process bottlenecks, centralize communications, and improve overall productivity by using Pipefy.

The Pipefy Developers Platform is an open development platform where developers can build powerful products on Pipefy’s platform. Create game-changing process advancements for your team or for managers in +15k companies around the world.

What you can do on the Pipefy Developers Platform:


Build an App on Pipefy’s Platform

Get started


Build on Pipefy’s Platform using GraphQL API

Get started

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