Phases Definition

A phase is a step of a specific process, or pipe. The cards move laterally through your pipe’s phases using one of the action buttons or by dragging and dropping the card to the phase you’d like it to be.

A phase, just like the form is made of fields you can reorder and edit to better suit your process’ needs.

Hierarchy and Relations

Accessible through: Pipes
Objects phases can access directly: Fields, Cards

Phases in our API

Through our API you can fetch information about a pipe's phases using a query. To create, update and delete a phase, you should use a mutation.

Phase Query

This is an example of a query which retrieves information about a phase. Replace '12345' with the ID of the phase you'd like to query. The phase ID can be retrieved using a Pipe query or within the URL of the phase settings page on the graphical interface.

If you need to know more attributes regarding the phase, you can fetch them with a phase query. Check our GraphQL Console to see what other attributes are available.

{ phase(id: 12345){ id name } }
{ phase(id: 12345){ id name cards_count fields { id label } cards{ edges{ node{ id } } } } }

Phase Mutations

Below are examples of mutations that you can use to create, update and delete a phase.

On the createPhase mutation:

  • Change the "pipe_id" and "name" mutation to the Id of your pipe and the name of the phase you want to create.
  • If you need, you can create a field on this phase using a createPhaseField mutation, see more details here.

On the updatePhase mutation:

  • change the id to the id of your phase, and fill in the information that you need to update. In the example below, both color and name are being updated.

On the deletePhase mutation:

  • Fill in the id of the phase you wish to delete
mutation { createPhase(input: { pipe_id: "0000000", name: "New Phase"}) { phase { id } } }
mutation { updatePhase(input: { id: 12345, color: lime, name: "Phase" }){ phase { id } } }
mutation { deletePhase(input: {id: 12345}) { clientMutationId success } }

Testing our API

When querying for phases, there's much more information available than the ones in the examples of the query shown in the Phase Query section.
Also, keep in mind that our API has a lot of queries and mutations available, not just regarding phases.

For a full list of our GraphQL capabilities, you can access our GraphQL playground and play around with it.


API authentication

Our API is protected, so you have to provide your access token to be able to complete the requests to our API.
You can read more about our Authentication and how to get your access token in our Authentication section.

Once you have the token in hands, within our playground you'll have to add a key in the headers named "Authorization", and the value must be the name "Bearer" followed by your token, like in the image below.



Be aware that running a mutation in our playground will change the Data inside Pipefy.