
A Pipe represents a process in your company.

Pipefy allows you to set up pipes for almost every process in your company - such as purchase requisitions, customer support, sales, etc.

Hierarchy and Relations

Accessible through: Organizations, Cards
Objects pipes can access directly: Phases, Start Form Fields, Users, Labels

Pipes in our API

Through the GraphQL API, you can retrieve a pipe's information, interact with pipes and execute the actions you're able to do within Pipefy's graphical interface.

As described here, GraphQL operations always use the HTTP POST method, and you can use queries and mutations to interact with the API.

Pipe Queries

Queries are used to fetch data from Pipefy.

The pipe ID can be retrieved on the interface by looking at the URL of the pipe's page.


Where to find a pipe's ID

Queries of how to retrieve a pipe or group of pipes are shown in the code block below. Replace '12345' with the ID of the pipe you'd like to query for. The following fields are the most used, but there are a lot more options of data you can select from Pipes. Remember: GraphQL is a query language, so query whatever you need.

{ pipe(id: 123456) { id name color users_count cards_count opened_cards_count emailAddress } }
{ pipes(ids: [12345, 987654, 654321, 987321]) { id uuid name cards_count } }
{ pipe(id: 123456) { id uuid name cards_count organization { id } members{ role_name user{ id email } } phases { id name } start_form_fields { id label } labels{ id name color } webhooks { name id } } }

Pipe Mutations


Be aware that running a mutation in our playground will change the Data inside Pipefy.

Most of the Pipefy API functionalities allow the CRUD operations. We saw before the Read operations to get pipes, here are the Mutations to Create, Update and Delete. Mutations are used to change data in Pipefy.

The minimum amount of information you need to provide to create a pipe is the name and the organization id, but to update or delete it's necessary to, at least, provide the pipe ID. If you don't know your pipe ID you can use the Organizations queries to list all your pipes and their attributes.

mutation { createPipe(input: {name: "Pipe name", organization_id: 987654}) { clientMutationId } }
mutation { updatePipe(input: {id: 789456, name: "New pipe name", public: true, anyone_can_create_card: true, color: green}) { pipe { id } } }
mutation { deletePipe(input: {id: 987654}) { success } }

Testing our API

When querying for pipes, there's much more information available than the ones in the examples above.
Also, keep in mind that our API has a lot of queries and mutations available not only about pipes.

For a full list of our GraphQL capabilities, you can access our GraphQL playground and play around with it.


API Authentication

Our API is protected, so you have to provide your access token to be able to complete the requests to our API.
You can read more about our Authentication and how to get your access token in our Authentication section.

Once you have the token in hands, within our playground you'll have to add a key in the headers named "Authorization", and the value must be the name "Bearer" followed by your token, like in the image below.