Webhooks for User Management

Pipefy released a new set of functionalities in our GraphQL API to enable user management in Organizations, Pipes and Tables.

We’ve created a new level of webhooks under organizations. It will listen to events in organizations like when inviting a user, accepting invitations, changing roles or if the user was removed from organization.

All webhook creation must be executed by organization Admin users.


New actions:

  • user.invitation_sent
  • user.invitation_accepted
  • user.removal_from_org
  • user.role_set
mutation { createOrganizationWebhook(input: { organization_id: 22, actions: [ "user.invitation_sent", "user.invitation_accepted", "user.removal_from_org", "user.role_set" ], name: "new webhook", url:"https://endpoint.com" }) { clientMutationId } }


You can check the GraphQL specification of the new mutation here:



New actions:

  • user.removal_from_pipe
  • user.removal_from_table
  • user.role_set

- For Pipe

mutation { createWebhook(input: { pipe_id: 22, actions: [ "user.removal_from_pipe", "user.role_set" ], name: "new webhook", url:"https://endpoint.com" }) { clientMutationId } }

- For Table

mutation { createWebhook(input: { table_id: "ZdeRdE", actions: [ "user.removal_from_table", "user.role_set" ], name: "new webhook", url:"https://endpoint.com" }) { clientMutationId } }


You can check the GraphQL specification of the new mutation here:


How to consult your webhooks

You can list all your webhooks using a query.

- For organizations:

{ organization(id: 300623467) { id webhooks { id actions headers name url } } }

- For pipes:

{ pipe(id: 301858363){ id webhooks { id name headers actions url } } }

- For Tables:

{ table(id: 301858363) { id webhooks{ id name headers actions url } } }


Check also:

updateWebhook: https://api-docs.pipefy.com/reference/mutations/updateWebhook/
deleteWebhook: https://api-docs.pipefy.com/reference/mutations/deleteWebhook/
deleteOrganizationWebhook: https://api-docs.pipefy.com/reference/mutations/createOrganizationWebhook/