User Management Mutations

Pipefy released a new set of functionalities in our GraphQL API to enable user management in Organizations (a company’s account in Pipefy), Pipes (processes) and Tables (databases).

New mutations, queries and webhooks were created in order to manage users and their roles through API, enabling many possibilities of integrations between Pipefy and Active Directory or any other user provisioning application and helping administrators to have more control, governance and security over organization users.

All mutations must be executed by organization Admin users.


This mutation allows the invitation of users to organizations, pipes and tables.

On organizations:

mutation { inviteMembers(input: {organization_id: 13,emails: { email: "", role_name: "admin"}){ clientMutationId } }

For Pipes:

mutation { inviteMembers(input: {pipe_id: 13, emails: { email: "", role_name: "admin"}}){ clientMutationId } }

For tables:

mutation { inviteMembers(input: {table_id: 13, emails: { email: "", role_name: "admin"}}){ clientMutationId } }


You can check the GraphQL specification of the new mutation here:


This mutation allows the removal of a user from a org.

mutation { removeUserFromOrg(input: {organization_id: 44, email: ""}) { clientMutationId } }


You can check the GraphQL specification of the new mutation here:


This mutation allow the removal of a user from a pipe.

mutation { removeUserFromRepo(input: {pipe_id: 44, email: ""}) { clientMutationId } }


You can check the GraphQL specification of the new mutation here:


This mutation allows the removal of a user from a table.

mutation { removeUserFromTable(input: {table_id: 44, email: ""}) { clientMutationId } }


You can check the GraphQL specification of the new mutation here: